1 on 1 CJ


Thursday, February 25, 2010

I lost to a Real Winner!

Hi folks on the eve of the announcements of this Year's 8 Finalists for the $25,000 Year end prize I can not help but reflect back to my own 15 minutes of fame!

In December of 2007 I won $1,000 for my Fitness Transformation. You see back then each age group 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+ each had a 1k winner. One for each sex and then there was a best in class each month so two of those winners one man and one woman each won an additional 9k for total of $10,000!

Wow that still sounds like a lot of money! Here is the announcement for that month:

I was and still am Very honored to be nominated to be a Monthly winner of that 30 yr age group! There was a huge competition that year especially in the 30 yr old group! It was also very special to me to win this particular month with my buddy Lee Solon Ratterman that I had filmed an infomercial for 10 Min Trainer with! But, yes still some small part of me was a tad disappointed that I was not the 10K winner.

When I saw the man that won I was fine with settling for second place! David Keenan had already lost at that point 162 lbs, 27% Body fat and 22 inches from his waste! There was no way my results could compete with that! So I was not so sad to loose to such an accomplished story!

Well time went on and I never thought that much about it. Mentally there is always a difference between the 10 k winners and the 1 k winners so at some of the events that I would go to. The 10k folks would get a bit more attention than I did. No problem really but I kind of wanted to shout out that I lost to a guy who dropped 160 lbs!

2 years later I am on an airplane. One of my very last trips home before I was able to leave my job to become a full time Team Beach Body Coach (Yes Coaching is for Real!) and who do I see in my People magazine! None other than our ole friend Dave Keenan! I nearly jumped outta of my plane seat and I scared the nice woman sitting next to me! Sorry Nice lady. I could not really explain the entire story to her, but there was Dave who had defeated me for the 10k right in my lap!

Here is the article from People:


Then like a week later I see him appear on the Today show!

"Half Their Size"

Today I notice that Beach Body has his image right up there on the front page of their website right next to last years $250,000 winner!


Again not a big surprise for me because I knew how great this guy's story was. Now it seems the rest of the world is just catching with me!

Congrats David! U deserve all the accolades! U did all the Heavy Lifting! (pun intended)


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Can Fitness be fun?

Can we make fitness fun?

Well one of my Diamond+ coaches in Hawaii sent me this picture today on FB! And OMG I just love what she is doing!

This is 80's style dress fitness party! There are about 20 pictures in this album and not one face without a smile! This is a great new twist on home parties and making a dreaded workout a great time!

U can see more pics here:

Great Job

Carine Hill -


Marlene Baldueza -


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ok Let's Start Walking!

I have promised now for some time that I am going to start this training program called "Walk with Me to Diamond"!

It is not finished yet! But I have begun to walk!

U see I was just awarded a Third center (Coaching Account) when I went 2 Star Diamond in my Second Center THX to Marlene and Jeffrey! And in the process won Top Coach fall 2009 Region #1! :0)

Well I have sat on that account until this last week!

U see as of Tuesday morning I am a Full Time Beach Body Coach! So this week I have started to work on my Third center!

But as I develop a new Account so can U!

My new account has 2 clients and 1 coach now!

I am starting from the same place if not further back than all of U! Now I will make this center a diamond account! But if U follow along and do what I do then U can become diamond too!

So with that being said. What did I do this week to get 2 clients and a coach?

1) I became active. I got off the coaching couch (to use a fitness phrase) and I started to work! Mostly just getting my email list going and back on social networks! Yes FaceBook!

- I simply got my email list back together on GoDaddy. I have a domain name there www.PuckHead.org which cam with an email account so I have a list there of all of my downline coaches. As I email my PS coaches they can use those emails and forward them to their PS coaches and so on and so on! That way i do a little work and lots of folks can use it!

- FaceBook is amazing! So many folks online every day just starting a program or another! Simply pick out Ur program go to lists, groups, people who are also doing that workout find new friends just starting a program and see what happens! If Ur truly just being a friend U will be amazed at how appreciative they will be! Maybe they will enjoy helping others too and eventually become a coach too!

I developed a New Coach Welcome letter as listed below in a previous post where all new coach can get all the info they need to move on their new business! As a coach trying to Walk with Me go over that email Ur self! make sure U have done all the tasks! How can U do a great Getting started Right interview if U have never done one with Ur coach yet?

Do the New Coach Welcome Email!

And my latest task has been to start making and organizing some demos. U see I have done lost of the coaching tasks over and over! But not all of U have! If I do a task over and over it is worth my time to make a document showing all of U how to do it too! So I made one today:


Here are some others that I already had done!


Now my intention is to make several more of these to help more coaches see how to do more of these common tasks! So just pay attention!


Customizing my Team Beach Body Webpage with a picture and a Phone number so that if folks do find my website they know who there are talking to and how to reach me!

Here is a great guide on how to do that:


I also had done a previous blog on this subject so just follow along with me and let's see how close to diamond we can get!

Folks several of these recent and future blog posts are on coaching! As that is one of the thing in my life that I am most passionate about! Not so much recruiting but on how to do it properly as I see.

If Ur not already a Team Beach Body coach and would like to consider it. Well then please consider joining as a member of our team! We have a great Team with Huge growth! I have learned in the last three years what I feel is the best way to build a successful team so stop by today and get some info on becoming the latest on a team of passionate individuals committed to helping folks accomplish their fitness dreams!



Friday, February 19, 2010

Let's Get Started Right!

Last night I took about 4 hours to review what a new coach is recommended to do!

I got a great Welcome email template form another great coach! I tried to sit down and do what we were asking myself and I was confused.

I think the answer is not more info it is easier bit size pieces! My new email Welcome letter is not perfect yet it is still way too long! But it is doable! It makes sense in terms of order and flow. I try not to repeat any info, but still show all the basics!

If a new coach gets this email they instantly know how to get started!

Now we all know I am not the best speller and my grammer is about as god as U can expect from an engineer with a C+ average in English.

But if we focus on the content and not the form. It is a great document!

I would like all of my coaches to go over it again as a review! Refine it and pass it on to Ur coaches to review also! Every new coach we sign up should be getting right away and all old coaches should go through it to make sure their foundation is strong!

No I have made this document with our team in mind! But I want all of us to have great success wit this company! If U are not a down line coach just send me an email or give me a call and I will be happy to share!



Let's get everyone started right! I received this emial from another great coach not to be nammed Mark Briggs! I made it my own and now I pass it on to U to make even better!



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Working and Working Out!

Well here I am 3 days into what was supposed to me my first week as a fulltime coach and I am still at the office. I simply have to wait for some expenses to clear and some paperwork to be filed but it will come soon!

So in the mean time I am enjoying getting paid with very little to do! Today I worked on my taxes had a doctors check up and bought a climbing rope for the apt! This is the time we should all be given to slow things down every once in a while!

Meanwhile my workouts are doing good ( getting ready for Hawaii) and my business continues to grom! One of my coaches today met with a member of the US house of representatives to see if she can help promote health in her district. Another downline Coach of mine David Lee in Hawaii just qualified for diamond! Congrats David! It is amazing to watch our team grow (7 this week) when I personally have been in a bit of a slump. I am working on more tools for our coaches and helping their needs than my own. But, that is very rewarding! Just today I helped to save two great positions in the company from folks that wanted to quit! Instead of cancelling they simply filled out the transfer form and saved downlines of 27 and 34 for other folks that are excited about coaching!

It is very rewarding to help other newwer coaches! U can't help someone up a hill without getting elevated your self!

Thx folks for helping to fight the good fight and promote healthy lifestyles!


-- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 1 Full Time Coach!

Today is my last day of "Work".

I remember becoming a coach to help folks. I did not know that we got paid because back in 2003 when I first started power 90 "coaches" did not get paid. My secret motivation was to inspire someone else with my results. Now that does not seem like a crazy goal but then it was! I was a fat guy that played video games worked too much and drank beer to fall asleep every night who's wife had just taken his sob and left him. So honestly inspiring that first person (Travis) was a huge milestone for me!

After a few months of coaching I had only made $3.64. But when I went to my first Tony camp in July 2007 I met folks making hundreds and thousands a week! This inspired me to try to bring it with my business!

In less than 30 days from camp I was Emerald and had earned 2 checks over $50! I decided then that some day I would make this my full time gig!

Some would claim that this is a greed for money! No, one thousand times no! In fact I am giving up over 100k salary to earn just enough to get by. But, what I have earned on the last three years is the ability and time to do this business the way that I know it needs to be done! I am full of ideas to help folks with fitness but I have always lacked the time to implement them all!

Now I can work this business 24/7! So watch out or better yet come along with me! Set Ur goals and timelines! In time with effort u can become part of this full time solution too!

My new career will begin with a new Head Lineage page for reckognition and a new program to train our coaches called "Walk with me to Diamond".

In short thank you for helping to make this additional commitment possible and now let's really bring it!


-- Posted from my iPhone